The Language Gym Training


Elevate your communication skills with personalized, one-on-one coaching. Master the nuances of accent modification in a supportive environment tailored to your needs.

Individual Training course

Join our personalized, one-on-one coaching sessions to master spoken communication skills. Whether you’re aiming for professional growth or personal development, our tailored approach ensures you gain confidence and clarity in your speech.

Group Training course

4 steps to clear confident spoken English. Join a dynamic group of learners! Our small group sessions foster camaraderie while focusing on accent modification techniques. Learn together, grow together.


Equip your team with effective communication skills. Our tailored accent modification training enhances professional interactions and boosts confidence.



"Sandra is a great teacher, very patient & empathetic. I will always remember her voice during our stressed syllables lessons : "Didier, your aaaaaccent !" Thank you Sandra, I am very grateful for all your help. "

Didier Barthet – Consultant cyber-resilience Consultant – France

"Sandra helped me to quickly improve my oral English when preparing for international conferences. I fully recommend Sandra for her professionalism, her ability to adapt to a specific need and her formidable method. Thank you Sandra for your valuable input and your friendly manner, which enabled us to combine work and pleasure during our sessions!"

Alexia Saulais – Professional coach: Mental preparation for professional performance – France

"A few months ago, I didn't even know that stress existed in English! Fortunately, I met Sandra. She gave me all the essential keys to understanding and being understood by native speakers. The best way to progress in language is to have someone who detects, explains and corrects your mistakes. Thanks to her availability, kindness and professionalism, Sandra gave me the keys to improving my weak points. Personalized lessons helped me to achieve my goals more quickly. From the importance of phonetics to stress and linking, I now have all the information I need to improve my pronunciation. All that's left for me to do... is practice! "

Jean Michel Kerhoas – retired – France

"Sandra is a wonderful teacher who offers a personalised, one-to-one approach to learning French. She is extremely patient, well organized and very encouraging. She strives to give you the confidence not to be afraid to exchange a few words with a local right from the start. Sandra really adapts the pace, level and content to my needs and works hard on my weaknesses until something finally clicks. I feel safe to make mistakes and I'm very relaxed with her and happy with the progress I'm making."

Lyndie Wren – Personal Assistant – Australia

"Sandra is a highly organized and experienced teacher who is passionate about her work. She tailors lessons to your needs and individual learning style. Lessons are interesting, fun and varied, with homework in between to keep the momentum going. "

Lisa Plant – Expat- Australia

"The course gave me an excellent insight into everyday language as well as the opportunity to communicate with professional feedback on my current skills. The course as a whole was very sufficient and stimulating. Everything was clearly explained and all questions were answered. What's more, the course atmosphere was friendly and open-minded. I really feel more at ease with verbal communication."

Heather Ritter – Germany

"Before I started the course, I didn't know that pronunciation was so important, my previous teachers never taught it to me. I now realise that pronunciation is important and I pay attention to my pronunciation after taking this course. My IELTS teacher told me that my pronunciation has improved a lot."

Shoji Veda – Japan

"Thank you so much for the pronunciation course. I have learned a lot from the 8 week course and have improved my pronunciation skills considerably. I now feel more confident in my pronunciation in everyday conversations. "

Nyi – Indonesia

"I really enjoyed the course and found it clear and dynamic. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this course to anyone seriously interested in communication. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Sandra, my teacher, whose help, dedication and encouragement were much appreciated."

Monica Ostin – Romania